How to create data source in SpagoBI
to create data source in spagobi
1: Run
SpagoBI server and Login as biadmin
Click the button Add to create new data source and fill in the information
Label: Any understandable name
Description: A little bit description to your data source
Dialect: Choose the type of your data source (If you create
PostgreSQL data source, choose PostgreSQL)
only: choose Read and write
Type: Jdbc (create the data source using Jdbc driver)
Url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database_name (if
you connect to hosted database, just change from localhost to your server IP). In
my case, jdbc:postgresql://
User: Database Username
Password: Database password
Driver: org.postgresql.Driver
After filling all the required information, you can test your data source by
clicking T button to check if there is any error or not.
your information is all correct, it says “Data source correctly tested”.
Step 5: Lastly, you can save your
data source by clicking save button next to the button test T
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